Welcome to Red George Rural Skills Project
Leading the way in therapeutic support in Shropshire and Telford since 2006
ASDAN registered centre
Highly recommended by Shropshire and Telford SEND teams, Schools and Colleges.
Based in Hinstock
North Shropshire.
What Red George offers:
We are a unique learning environment, providing flexible practical opportunities in animal and land based studies. Our pupil centred provision aims to inspire, engage and enable young people to achieve.
Young people have the opportunity to experience a range of practical skills:
- Animal Care: There is a variety of animals resident at Red George including: Chickens, ducks, rhea, goats, rabbits and guinea pigs. Young people learn how to look after the animals covering all aspects of their health and welfare.
- Farm Maintenance: Covering a range of practical tasks, young people learn how to use a variety of different tools and equipment to carry out tasks such as fencing, building animal houses and shelters, caring out essential repairs, hedge and field maintenance.
- Horticulture: Young people have the opportunity to learn about growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.
- Accreditation: All young people gain in-house Certificates of Achievement and ASDAN accredited Awards which involves putting together a portfolio of evidence of their achievements.
Skills: young people will develop skills in: team work, communication as well as improving their confidence, resilience and self esteem.
We primarily support young people who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). We work alongside local Schools and Colleges as well as Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin SEND teams to support young people who require additional support to help them to reach their full potential.
At Red George we take our responsibilities in keeping children and young people safe very seriously. Under the members section are our policies and procedures that reflect this. All staff are Enhanced DBS checked and Level 3 trained in Safeguarding Children and Young People.